Porcelain Horse

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Obviously the most talented and attractive band member

Petey's Blog
Well we still havn't started recording yet, but I'm sure it can't be too far off now.... I hope. We're getting a lot closer to finishing all the song writing for the album but it's taking longer than I thought it would. As well as our album, Porcelain's next big gig is coming really soon, or at least that's the plan. I really need somehting new to talk about, these blogs are just repeating themselves really. I'll have something good next time
Girls suck! Porcelain + girls = nothing but issues. As you can probably tell already we are having some issues in the band at the moment but i'm hoping that all that can be sorted out tonight and we can get on with the band. Anyway, i'm optimistic cause i haven't stopped writing for the album even with everything thats been going on, and i've started a new project for the band as well. unfortunately none of you will ever hear it even though it's looking better than most of the songs on the album. well only time is reallly going to show us what's going to become of porcelain, so for now.........peace out
This whole two blog thing is killing me. Its just lucky that i'm a bum with a butload of time on my hands and now i'm on holidays! kick ass! i've just been rocking out as per usual and occasionally writing something almost decent enough to play to people. i did a singing exam yesterday and i am now officially crap, but i'll get over thaT and i'm sure you wouldn't be on this site if you couldn't stand the sound of my voice.ummmm, what else can i report on? we had a song writing session last night and got nowhere, but we have 7 fully written songs and 2 half written ones ready for the upcoming album. We're also looking at trying to find some more gigs, but until then i guess we'll just be one of those bands whose website is shown more attention than their music
PORCELAIN IS BACK!!!! I really have to apologise to everyone for breaking up Porcelain Horse, it's just lucky that I've got Geoff who would never stand for me giving up. And now that we're back, we're ready to get into the new album. it's just two more weeks until year 11 exams finish and then me and Geoff are ready to record. We've got seven songs written but that still gives us time to get a few more. Our target is 13+. We're recording out at Goobs's place and I'm determined to make this album good even if it takes up our whole holidays to do it. This is arousing me just typing about the new album! I need to go write a song. Bye bye.
Hey everyone, Petey here. Well this is the first entry of my new 'Porcelain Horse' blog and I don't really know where to start. It's been just over a year since I started the band and it's been the biggest year of my whole life!! I've made new friends, lost old ones, had a complete band line-up change, discovered my own sound, recorded and album and a single, been in a movie and a stage production, fallen in love twice, started playing music publicly, and been in the mental hospital for severe depression. It's been absoulutely crazy but I'm sure my song writing and performing has got better as a result of all this. We've got about seven songs ready to be recorded for the next album now and I can't wait to get started on it. It's completely different from 'Foot Fetish', it's way more melodic, emotional, and unique. Having Geoff and Macca join the band is definately the best thing that could of happened to me as far as Porcelain goes, they are both awesome musicians and songwriters as well as being two of my best friends in the world. We may have lost battle of the bands but i think we went down really well with the crowd which has made me even more determined to get on to the next thing. I'll let you all know as soon as anything exiting is happening. Fare thee well for now my homies.

Porcelain Horse- Amateur Music at its Worst!