Porcelain Horse


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Verse 1
I don't know what happened today,
Why did I care about the things they say,
I'm so depressed and I don't even know why,
All I know is that I'm a lonely guy,
Verse 2
All I have is my songs and my stories,
Maybe I'm not like because I'm boring,
Why do I get like this, I shouldn't care,
If I needed you, would you be there,
I have friends but they don't need me,
For every one I have, they have three,
They go out to parties while I sit at home,
I guess I'm just doomed to spend all my life
Verse 3
I went nuts, I yelled at everyone,
I used all the swear words under the sun,
I said sorry but that doesn't change a thing,
I don't even feel better when I sing
Come help me God,
I need you please,
I'll forgive them,
If you can forgive me,
Thank you my friends,
For being there,
Even though sometimes,
You shouldn't care,
Final Chorus
I'll be there if you ever need me,
I know how it feels but I've been set free,
Let them go out to parties while I sit at home,
I guess I'll just keep writing my songs

The Old New Song

Verse 1
I know, now you're gone,
That how I acted was wrong,
And I know, that you'll come back
some day
And when you do, I'll just try
to explain
I'll say these words again and mean it,
Even though you probably won't believe me,
I'll keep on trying, I'll just
Say Sorry 
And as I look into your face,
I see this anger, dying grace,
Your love for me will dissapear,
Without a trace,
You'll get up and walk away,
I'm on my knees begging you to stay,
And I'll be left here all alone like
Verse 2
I know, it's over now,
But still I wish, that somehow,
It could last, just one
More day,
And I'd be free, from all,
Of this pain,
Chorus x2

Tony Pesillo

Verse 1
There is a man who lives up in the clouds,
On a giant marshmellow,
He won't even come down because of crowds
to say hello,
And just in case he falls,
He won't return my calls,
At all
Verse 2
I let the band loan,
My fancy telephone,
I gave Geoff the task,
To be the one to ask,
What does he do,
Can we meet you,
No one even knew,
Open your window,
There's Tony Pesillo,
Watch him go,
Watch him go,
And maybe someday
He will come down
Just to say good day,
to me
Verse 3
I want to see him,
Flying through the wind,
I'll ask him where he's been,
And everything he's seen,
I'll say please don't go,
Don't you know,
You're my hero,
As I sat on the bus,
Tony tried to contact us,
on my phone,
I sat all alone,
And he talked to me,
And I talked to him,
Open your window (0-4-0-0-0)
Open your window (0-4-0-0-0)
Open your window (0-4-0-0 To-ny Pesillo)
Open your window (0-4-0-0-0)
Open your window (0-4-0-0-0)
Open your window (0-4-0-0 To-ny Pesillo)
And maybe some day (0-4-0-0-0)
He will come down just to say good day (0-4-0-0-0)
to me (0-4-0-0 To-ny Pesillo)


Verse 1

I may never be an academic,

What’s the point of doing something I don’t want to,

You get mad when I say “I don’t get it”,

Then you tell me that I’ve always got to tell you the truth,


Verse 2

I don’t want to be a politician,

Why should you choose what I get to do with my life,

Your future’s going to leave me wishing,

I’d got a different job and chosen a different wife,

And as I look back on everything I’ve done,

And everything I could’ve had,

I’ll wish that I, had stood up and

Said, I don’t want to



Spend my life,

Worrying what’ll happen if I do something wrong,

Get in Strife,

For just being me, and having fun,

Don’t want to Say Good Bye,

No you can’t make me, no one can make me,

Just Let Me Try,

I’ll Break Away,


Verse 3

You say I’ll probably never make it,

I think that you are probably right,

But I’m going to keep on trying,

Won’t quit without putting up a fight,

And as I look back on everything I’ve done,

And everything I could’ve had,

I’ll wish that I, had stood up and

Said, I don’t want to






Chorus x2




I'm writing you this letter,
I wish we could be better friends,
But friends will come and go,
Don't cry,
Cause whn you're sad it makes me sad,
And when you smile my world is glad,
So show me that smile again,
You opened my eyes,
To see the truth,
About the things,
Which I never knew,
You're my best friend,
I need you,
and some day,
I hope you'll need me too,
I miss you,
I want to see you tonight,
But I promise that I won't fight,
If you don't want to see me,
But these days,
Keep going by,
I never get to see you,
And I don't know why,
Only you,
Make my soul fly,
I hope we never say goodbye,
Before I go,
I want to tell you this is true,
I'm trying to say that I love you,
I wish you'd love me to,


Verse 1
I never wanted to hurt you,
This was not what I was looking for,
But I've made some bad mistakes,
And I have to see them through,
Verse 2
Things can never be the same,
Do you really even care,
They say love is just a game,
And I don't think that it's fair,
And all I have left is those pictures on the wall,
And those dreams that will never come true,
The memories fade away, as the pictures start to fall,
When you love a girl, who doesn't love you,
Verse 3
I thought,
We would never say goodbye,
Then I heard you ask,
"Whatever happened to that guy"
And all I have left is the "hello"s in the hall,
And the dreams that will never come true,
These words will fade away, as the pictures start to fall,
When you want a girl, who doesn't want you,
And as the memories start to fade away,
I think about the times, we shared,
We danced together, we stood on that stage,
And I used to think, that you cared,
We sang Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
We sang Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
Tra-la-la la-la la la-la-la,
And all I have left is the pictures on the wall,
and the dreams that will never come true,
The memories fade away, as the pictures start to fall,
When you love a girl, who doesn't love you,
When you want a girl, who doesn't want you,
When you need a girl, who doesn't need you.

Cliche Love Song
Verse 1
The first time I ever met you,
I knew you weren't the same,
I'd never seen a girl with such a beautiful face,
Never heard such a beautiful name,
I want to sit with you forever,
I want to be with you tonight,
I want to walk beside you in this garden of Eden,
Cause when I'm with you, you give my life meaning,
You're the only one in my sight,
You are my light,
Verse 2
The night when I first met you,
That kiss on my forehead,
And what you said, while we in that bed
I wanted it to last forever,
Verse 3
Those times I heard you laughing,
It was music to my ears,
Just want to lift you up, look into your eyes,
And forever hold you near,
Forever hold you near,

Hold My Hand
I am here, I'll hold your hand,
Please don't be afraid,
I'll be near, if you want me,
This will never change,
I am with you, I'll take my time,
I'm not going anywhere,
You'll be first, always on my mind,
Call me and I'll be there,
Verse 1
You say so many things that,
I know you don't mean,
Sometimes I want to turn away but,
I can't leave,
you, alone,
You never left me alone,
When I needed you, you came through,
Always doing what needed to be done,
Never give up, while I'm here,
Cause I'll never give up on you,
Like you never gave up on me,
Together we'll get through,
I will worry, when there's a problem,
It keeps me up all night,
I will always look after you, everythings going to be alright,
Verse 2
I will do, what's best for you,
Even when you don't want me to,
Cause I love you, more than anything,
And I will cry, when you're sad,
Take abuse when you are mad,
Cause my love is unconditional,
Everything's going to be alright,
I swear that I'll, always be here,
always to look after you,
And all I ask, is that you trust me,
My words are true,
We'll make it through,

More lyrics will be available soon

Porcelain Horse- Amateur Music at its Worst!